Announcement of test. Long4Lashes Serum for… Hair!

Not so long ago you had an opportunity to read on my blog about test of Long4Lashes eyelash conditioner. It was pretty good, but lately I switched into a bit more expensive, but much better, Nanolash. However, there was not much fault in the Oceanic conditioner. It just did not work for me. When I heard of new product from Long4Lashes line I decided to get to next test. This time it is all about… Long4Lashes serum for hair. πŸ™‚

What got me confused at first and probably will be confusing to most of you? You guessed it right, name. I expected another line of cosmetics for eyelashes, just improved. However, in the dragsotore it turned out that this time Oceanic released line of cosmetics for growth stimulation of hair, those on head. I maybe picking on, but they could change the name. I understand that Long4Lashes has developed brand, popularity and is catchy. A bit of creativity and the name could be close to it yet more precise. Like Long4Hair? This way, we know that product is similar to eyelash conditioner, it is easy to identify brand and what it is dedicated for. Current name, unnecessarily confuses. Enough whining about the name. πŸ˜‰

I bought the entire set of Long4Lashes for hair, which includes shampoo, conditioner and serum. I live by the rule that effectiveness of cosmetics can be judged only based on use of whole set. That is why I supplied myself with the entire set, and not only serum (like other bloggers). I think that thanks to it my tests will be much more reliable. πŸ˜‰ You, my readers, will judge it.

Oceanic promises that systematic use of cosmetics for hair care, Long4Lashes, will provide hair strengthening. Furthermore, stimulation of micro-circulation in skin is expected to deliver much larger amount of nourishing ingredients to bulbs to strengthen them. That is not all. Thanks to concentrated ingredients, products Long4Lashes for hair are expected to eliminate hair loss problem, repair damages and stimulate their growth. I will know all about it soon! All my feelings towards it, effects and detailed information about composition will be in my next post. πŸ™‚ I think it will be at your disposal in few weeks time, when effects will be visible.